He Loves Me!!! (I think)

Today when I was laying Gelato down for his afternoon nap (which he hasn’t started yet…half an hour later… grrr…), I covered him with his blanket, and put his owl next to him. Then he said, “Bunny?” so I laid his bunny next to him as well. Then I said, “I love you!” And he said… wait for it… “Wow-voo!”

Now, “Wow-voo” could mean owl. He might have been wanting me to show him his owl. But since he usually says, “Ow-wool,” and since I had already shown him his owl, I am choosing to think he parroted my “I love you.”

And yes, I know he was just parroting and that a 15-month-old doesn’t really LOVE me yet, in the way that he can express with words. But I know that he loves me, and it’s so sweet to hear him tell me he loves me. Sweet boy.


1 Comment

  1. Kristy said,

    November 12, 2013 at 3:51 pm

    It IS sweet! It’s wonderful! You will still enjoy it when your little ones are four and up and, once in a while, say it.

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